
March for Palestine in London: “complicity” of the British government and other countries with Israel “must end”

A year after Hamas’ attack on Israel, tens of thousands of people from across the United Kingdom demonstrated in London today in solidarity with the Palestinians to call for a ceasefire in the Middle East.

“Free, free Palestine” (“Free Palestine”) was the slogan, in defense of the creation of a Palestinian State, most heard in this parade mobilized by different groups and organizations, such as the “Stop The War” Coalition (“Stop the War”), Socialist Workers Party, Friends of Al-Aqsa and Muslim Association of the United Kingdom.

Ben Jamal, director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, told Agência Lusa that it is important to show Palestinians that there are many people on their side.

Maja Smiejkowska

“Our message is: we see you, we hear you, we are with you, you are not alone as you continue to confront and resist this genocide,” he said.

But the other message is directed at the British and other governments, which it considers “accomplices because they continue to offer Israel impunity for what it is doing, they continue to diplomatically, politically and militarily protect” Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

“This complicity must end. They are not in tune with public opinion”, he stressed, defending a boycott of arms sales and trade with Israel.

In the last 12 months, the March for Palestine crossed London 19 times, sometimes accused of anti-Semitism and support for Hamas, an organization considered terrorist by the European Union, the United States and the United Kingdom.

Image of this Saturday’s counter-protest, also in London

Chris J Ratcliffe

A counter-protest was planned today, but the police determined that it should take place far from this demonstration, which organizers estimate brought together around 250,000 people.

Ben Jamal says the criticism is an attempt to “demonize anyone who stands up to support the rights of the Palestinian people”, pointing out that Jews have also taken part in demonstrations in the UK.

Taking advantage of the sunny autumn day, protesters traveled hundreds of kilometers by train and bus to the British capital from Manchester, Birmingham or Wales.

Visiting from Liverpool to London to go to the theater, Liz and Maureen arrived in London early so they could take part in the demonstration.

“It’s the first time. I’m 70 years old and I’m only now learning about what’s going on. It’s important to show the Palestinians that we’re on their side”, Liz confessed to Lusa.

The two say that most of their friends are supportive and that only a few are pro-Israel.

Yahya traveled from Malaysia to visit his nephew who is studying in London and the two joined the demonstration.

“Enough is enough, Israel does not respect the UN resolution or international law,” he argued.

Next door, a group of mainly girls announces that the ‘intifada’ (“revolt” in Arabic) is coming, but they reject that they are promoting violence.

“What we want to say is that we need to revolt, resist and fight for freedom,” said Fariyal.

Among the many works of art present, one of the most visible was a five-meter-high equine sculpture, which aims to reproduce the “Horse of Jenin, built in 2003 by inhabitants of the West Bank with the German artist Thomas Killper, but destroyed by Israeli soldiers last year.

“This piece was made with the contributions of more than 150 people at the end of February and aims to show Israel’s attack on the arts, which is a way of dehumanizing Palestinians and eradicating their culture,” said Douglas Crabtree, who transported the piece from this Halifax, about 300 kilometers north of London.

Many protesters held distributed signs reading “Freedom for Palestine, End Israeli Occupation”, “Hands off Lebanon” or “Stop arming Israel”.

Other people brought their handmade signs, one of which simply summed up: “The only path to peace is compromise.”


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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