
Total agreement: Le Normand will play for Atlético!

On June 11, MARCA announced that the arrival of Robin Le Normand to Atlético was about to fall. This is what direct sources from a triangle (rojiblancos, Real Sociedad and the player himself) said that had been working on an agreement for months. Specifically, since March when this newspaper also announced that the international was the great objective to start rebuilding the defenseperhaps the line that suffered the most last season (it ended up being the season in which they conceded the most goals under Simeone).

Everything follows its course and player will wear the red and white as agreed two weeks ago. Nor is there any problem in the conditions with the player nor between clubs, in an operation that will be around 30 million euros after showing the central defender’s willingness to continue his career as an Atlético player. A scenario that has been key to reaching a definitive agreement with which he is the undisputed starter with Spain in the European Championship in Germany.

Le Normand: “I wanted to be a footballer and I give everything to achieve it”

Now, as things are, all that remains is to manage the timing for the official announcement of an operation detailed in Close sources do not point to the current week as that of the official announcement and which will possibly be the next when the arrival is made public of what will be the first signing of the season for an Atlético that seeks to strengthen itself to be able to compete for titles.

Manage times

The fact that next Monday is July 1 (that is, already part of the 24-25 season It is being a point to take into account in managing the timing of the operation of the footballer who is still a Real Sociedad player… even if it is only for a few days. Those that take the clubs to make it official once everything has been agreed upon for a long time. .


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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