
TheGrefg’s house in Andorra is attacked at dawn: “Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything”

LStreamers often lose, due to their status as public figures, all types of privacy. Many people want to know more about them, and There are those who even try to go to their houses to see them and they even try to assault them, going over the line.

That’s what happened to TheGrefg and his friends from the ‘Sausage Squad’. According to the Murcian streamer, they were about to suffer a home invasion in the middle of the night, and they would have had to end up turning to the police.

TheGrefg and the ‘Salchichón Squad’, about to suffer a raid

TheGrefg is one of the most recognized Spanish-speaking streamers. With a large number of followers both on X and on Instagram, Twitch or YouTube, he is very famous. He lives in Andorra with the so-called ‘Salchichón Squad’, made up of himself, Agustín51, Ampeter and Vicens.

It was in that house where they were almost attacked: “The other day a kid came at one in the morning with a car with a German license plate.. Agustín started recording him from his room, sent him around the group at home and said: “Guys, a guy just came.”

TheGrefg’s house is attacked at dawn: “Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything”Twitter

The kid wanted to sneak into the house. He went to sneak into the house by opening the outside door and Agustín told him from the room what he was doing, and the boy answered that he was not going to do anything.“Grefg continued, clearly surprised by the situation they had to live through.

However, this did not stop there. As the streamer explains, the boy returned to his car and went to sleep at the door of the house. The content creators called the police and the assailant explained to the officers that he liked to go there to sleep.

Streamers’ homes, focus of raids

It is not the first time, nor probably the last, that content creators have had these types of ‘adventures’. Other big streamers like Rubius or Ibai have had to endure similar situations once your address has been leaked.

In 2020 Rubius suffered live as some fans tried to enter his houseperhaps looking for a photo or to meet the streamer. Ibai is not far behind either, explaining that he had situations in which followers came to his house and shouted things at him from outside.even while showering.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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