
The networks speak out about the return of ‘Noticias Cuatro’: “What a presence it has”

EThis Monday, January 29, Cuatro has recovered its informative mission with the return of its newscast: ‘News Four’. Mediaset’s second most important network said goodbye to this space in February 2019, when Paolo Vasile, former CEO of the communication group, decided to focus its content solely on entertainment.

Until now, that gap on the television schedule has been occupied by ‘Cuatro al día’, a format that had the difficult objective of covering everything that happened, since it was the only program designed to report on what was happening. Nevertheless, losnew managers have realized that the situation was unsustainableso they have not hesitated to bring back a format as iconic as ‘Noticias Cuatro’.

And, as they have already demonstrated with the signing of Carlos Franganillo for ‘Informativos Telecinco’, the new management is strongly committed to information and an objective and rigorous vision of the facts.

“How good the premiere suits Alba Lago”

“After a five-year hiatus we return with great enthusiasm. Our slogan is ‘Passion for information’ because that is what we feel”, announced Juan Pedro Valentn, director of the new ‘Noticias Cuatro’, at the presentation of the space. A program that will be produced from a completely renovated set with the latest technological avant-garde.

From Monday to Friday, the controls will be Alba Lakeformer presenter of ‘Informativos Telecinco’, in the 2:00 p.m. edition; Diego Losada and Mnica Sanz in the 8:00 p.m. slot. For its part, Roberto Arce and Marta Reyero They will take the reins on the weekend both after dinner and in prime time.

As expected, many users have already spoken out through the networks and the truth is that there is a contrast of opinions. Some consider that the format “it doesn’t make sense” and that it is “a mistake”; but the truth is that the vast majority believe that it has been a success.

“The set, without being spectacular, looks very good on screen. And how wise it was to recover the header and the tune of its previous stage” or “How good the premiere of @noticias_cuatro feels for Alba Lago is indisputable. What rigor, what tone, what presence she has in front of the camera. One of the best successes of this return to information on Cuatro” are some messages that reflect this latest trend.


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