
The Ministry of Health responds to Marcos Llorente and his reflection on the sun

CLike in any self-respecting social network, what seemed like a simple comment from Marcos Llorente to a follower is on its way to becoming a matter of state. The Atlético de Madrid player defends that the sun is not the main cause of melanoma, but that we are Humans, due to our little exposure and not being accustomed to solar radiation, are increasing the risk.

“If you think that skin cancer appears because of the sun, you are the king of the ignorant,” the man from Madrid responded to one of the comments on his post. This post forced Llorente to qualify his words with another message: “At no time have I said that melanoma does not exist, nor am I a denialist of melanoma. I am neither irresponsible nor disrespectful to those who have suffered it. I have always been a very respectful person and in this case I have given my opinion regarding the sun since I am free from it. An opinion that also coincides with that of many HEALTH professionals who are also based on scientific evidence.”

The Ministry of Health and the Secretary of State respond to Marcos Llorente

The most important entity in Spain or, at least, the one that has the most responsibilities in terms of Health has responded directly to the Colchonero player on the official X account: “Solar radiation is a direct cause of melanoma. We appeal to care: the best possible protection and recommended sun exposure.”accompanied by a report from La Sexta with images by Marcos Llorente.

Javier Padilla, Secretary of State, has also intervened in this debate with a blunt message in this regard: “Against those who say that the sun does not cause melanoma: clear information, responsibility and care. “In the same way that we know that tobacco causes lung cancer, we know that social radiation is a direct cause of melanoma.”

Furthermore, Padilla points to Llorente and appeals that he must communicate information “based on scientific evidence”: “It is time to appeal to the individual responsibility of those people who have a great public speaker, a public speaker that many young people especially listen to and who have to have a certain responsibility when communicating.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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