
The Madrid Bravos are the revolution of American football: “From day 1 we want to be champions”

En the September 2023, American football entered another dimension in Madrid. It was a matter of time due to the highly anticipated (now reality) landing of the NFL, the most followed sports competition in the United States of America, in the capital with its clash at the Bernabéu. But it became even more so with the birth of the Madrid Bravos. A franchise for the European League of Football, the main sports competition on the Old Continent. Qambitious project, of immense visual power and they are stomping with their “stampede to victory” as their motto.

The Madrid Bravos will play in Vallehermoso

“Our sensations are very good. Because it is my city’s team, it started this year and is undefeated,” Alejandro Fernández tells MARCA., one of their best players. He is from Madrid, he was trained on the other side of the pond and arrived to lead the Braves’ defense. He is the soul of the team along with quarterback Steven Duncan, signed to replace the injured Chris Helbig and soon making his mark, and the great revelation, British running back D’wayne Obi.

It is my city’s team, it started this year and is undefeated

Alejandro Fernandez

On court are pure performance. They beat the national rival, the classic Barcelona Dragons, in their debut (42-12). And they repeated against two German franchises (the country that traditionally dominates the league), the Rhein Fire (10-22), defending champions, and Cologne Centurions (24-35).

“It is the first time in which we brought together all the Spanish talent in a team. We managed to show that there is a very good level,” explains Fernández. The Braves are not just any franchise to seek the maximum. It captured the best national players and reached the fans by playing its games in the majestic Vallehermoso (Chamberí neighborhood).

An exciting proposal within a booming sport. On a global level, the NFL continues to travel to Europe and increases its international games. And the ELF has become a very worthy exponent in Europe.

Jaime Martín, CEO of Bravos: “One of the objectives was to bring back the national players”


The league is made up of four frenetic months leading up to the grand final at the modern Veltins Arena in Gelsenkirchen. A stadium that has organized matches in the current Euro Cup (such as Spain-Italy) and the 2003 Champions League final between Porto and Monaco. Although it is still early, the Braves show that they have no ceiling. They count their matches by wins and continue to grow against the German giants that monopolized the competition until not long ago.

From day 1, the mentality of both players and staff is to win the championship and it is the only vision we have

Alejandro Fernandez

“We want to fight for everything. From day 1, the mentality of both players and staff is to win the championship and it is the only vision we have for the project at the end of the year,” emphasizes Alejandro Fernández.. In the history of the competition, a Spanish team has never reached the fight for the title. In fact, the only non-German champion and finalist is the Vienna Vikings, who won the title in 2022.

Carlos Carrasco, OL of Bravos: “Representing Madrid, for us, is very important”

Los Braves They would be facing a historic challenge for national American football. The only similar precedent occurred with the Barcelona Dragons in their glorious times. In 1997 they won the World Bowl and lost in 1999 and 2001. For the Braves, the most difficult yet.


The process continues to be completed so that the Braves are a benchmark. On the field and away from it. The next stop is a new match against Rhein Fire, almost a final. “We will face each other again and they will continue to be the current champion of the competition. They are a very tough team, they lost against us and then they had a very close match,” analyzes Fernández. “They have to get mentally focused because they don’t want to lose their standard within the competition,” he adds.

Vallehermoso will be a cauldron in the game. Los Bravos launches entertainment stands, in a good location and with a special price. The Power Party will liven up the hours before, with activities for the little ones, food and drinks, music and the official store available. And popular prices, with 50% discount for those under 14 years old.

The Madrid Bravos are the revolution of American football:

The player lives a prize. Because he is at home and with his people. “It’s nice. You see your family, the people of your city. Not everyone can experience it and we appreciate the commitment of the organization, fans and Madrid City Council for everything they give us,” he says. Another key factor that the Braves boast in every game.


Furthermore, the player has more motivations. One is to approach American football as they do in the country of reference, the United States of America. “Over there the diference is huge. For sports culture and, specifically, that of American football. It has nothing to do with the sport itself, nor with aid or support.“explains the leading defender.

The diference is huge. For sports culture and, specifically, that of American football. It has nothing to do with the sport itself, nor with aid or support.

Alejandro Fernandez

Also look at future. “Every person who plays American football has the dream of reaching the NFL. Personally, I would also like to try in the CFL, even in leagues that are growing like the USFL,” he closes.

Los Braves They are the revolution and the paradigm has changed. American football in Spain has a new benchmark and in the clash against the Rhein Fire (7:00 p.m.) they will seek to achieve another victory that elevates their proposal. That of the stampede to success.

The Madrid Bravos are the revolution of American football:

A game is an experience forever

One of the great secrets of the success of Madrid Bravos goes further of what happens on the field of play. The games have become sports festivals, to learn about and expand American football. The goal is to turn it, little by little, into another part of Madrid’s brutal sporting heritage. The Braves knock on the door loudly. They want their message to spread.

The ‘matchdays’ are authentic parties that begin up to three hours before their dispute. Because Vallehermoso, one of the most spectacular venues in the capital, opens long before the initial whistle and the fan enjoys it before the first drive. There is ‘Power Party’, in which experiences for fans begin and there is an area for the fans themselves. The team enters about an hour and a half later, and the show, including a DJ, changes tone. 20 minutes later the draw takes place that opens the duel.

The Madrid Bravos are the revolution of American football:

“We want to make sport accessible. American football, on many occasions, has an impossible schedule. The Madrid Bravos will make it clear that there is a game every 15 days, you can go by metro and it provides a complete experience,” said Sebas López.head of team operations, to MARCA after the creation of the franchise.

We want to make sport accessible. American football, on many occasions, has an impossible schedule

Sebas Lopez

Break with the lies (times, schedules and excessive prices) of sport. “We bring the experience of the NFL in the United States to Madrid. We are in contact with the franchises that have relations with Spain and we seek to make that dream come true,” he added. . The Braves are much more than a team. From the field, where success has not been long in coming, to the stands. American football in Madrid has entered another dimension and is seeking other giant horizons.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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