
The first Clásico has controversy… with free kicks: “It’s too early to warm up”

The first Classic of the season, one in which more than a dozen could be played, (89-83) between Real Madrid and Barcelona showed a continuous line with respect to the last year of Spanish basketball. He Madridon the shoulders of Facundo Campazzo (33 rating credits) and Edy Tavares, It has many resources and ways to win. Something that for Barça, with more physicality than in other seasons, creates a gap to close. There is time left. Of course, it is not something that prevents the first war wounds of the year. The main one is culé, quite dissatisfied with the referee’s criteria.

Facundo Campazzo, after launching a triple.ACB PHOTO

“It’s too much too soon to warm up“, Joan Peñarroya, Barça coach, answered in Catalan in the press room. He had been asked about the difference in free throws in the match at the Palacio de los Deportes in Murcia (31-13 in favor of Madrid), and he did not show his satisfaction with it. Real Madrid showed personal solidity, especially in the final stretch, and certified their victory after the good work from Campazzo and Tavares, especially in the final stretch of the crash.

“We are not here to make frills,” explained Chus Mateo, Real Madrid coach, with sarcasm. His team had won… but it’s still early. “It’s a matter of time, no one has a magic wand to make a team play well out of nowhere. And if he does, he will suffer as time goes by,” he said. His team knew how to resist after losing several advantages. “We didn’t have the patience to downshift and stop,” he said.

It’s a matter of time, no one has a magic wand to make a team play well out of nowhere.

Chus Mateo

Barça, for its part, competed face to face. “We leave with our heads held high,” explained Nicolás Laprovittola. “We competed 50% against Real Madrid, they only beat us by six and free throws,” added Álex Abrines, captain of Barcelona. “We have a lot left. In a month we will be a much better team and we will be more seasoned,” said the shooter. There was no anger and they promise battle.

Brizuela tabona tobacco.ACB PHOTO

Although Real Madrid gives first. “We continue in the process of adaptation. So that the new ones enhance their qualities and we all know how to get together better. This shirt, yes, always forces you to fight for everything and go for all the titles,” said Alberto Abalde.player of the white team.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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