
The controversial question that ruins a date on ‘First Dates’: “Do you have debt?”

Ehe restaurant of love in Cuatro once again hosted a new date that, once again, was involved in the controversy in ‘First Dates’. The stars of the evening were Teresa and Luisshe being the first to enter, who defined herself as someone without shame “for better and for worse”. Luis arrived to meet them, whose first impression was more than positive, although everything was soon going to go wrong.

At first, the two admitted to having groups of friends with whom they carried out many activities, but when he learned the name of her environment, Luis got scared, because ‘Los Rocieros’ made him think that He was a very Catholic person.. Knowing that Teresa was and that she also used to dance, Luis raised the first red flag for him.

Luis ends Teresa’s interest with a single question

After a brief conversation about their children, Luis got straight to the point and asked the most awkward and least expected question for Teresa on a first date. “Do you have debts?” he blurted out, something she didn’t like. “Live, I live very well,” she said, although He confessed that he did have them.although he was not looking for someone to pay for his whims, but rather for a person who would be by his side.

“Those who are high, I’m not interested”, Teresa complained, even though Luis justified himself by saying that he did not want to be a ‘pagafantas’ and end up paying everything to someone else. However, that moment was a turning point that, for Luis, was crowned with the hand temperature her. In her opinion, if they are cold, that person does not convince her.

Be that as it may, in the end Teresa was the one who showed herself the clearest. “I didn’t like it very much, to be honest,” she expressed in the final decision. Luis, in any case, had not been convinced that she was religious, with debts and with cold hands.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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