
Tenerife sets the goal of repeating 15,500 members with a ‘groundbreaking’ campaign

Ethe president of Tenerife, Paulino Rivero, announced this Thursday the Tenerife season ticket campaign for the 2024-25 academic year and in which the objective will be to repeat the 15,500 cards that were issued in the last year.. “We are going to fight to have the greatest possible number of subscribers. The signing of fans is going to be the most important for this season because it is what leads us to achieve success,” he remarked.

The signing of the fans is going to be the most important for this season because it is what leads us to achieve success

Under the motto ‘Eternal love’, the blue and white team announced an announcement that is already causing a lot of talk on social networks. The situation presents a wedding couple at the altar and in which she leaves him ‘jilted’ when, when putting the ring on him, she notices that he is wearing a UD Las Palmas bracelet on his wrist with the motto ‘pio, pío ‘. After rushing out of the farm where the wedding is taking place, the bride meets another woman, who has the Tenerife shield tattooed on one of her arms, and with whom she does not hesitate to kiss before leaving with her in a classic convertible.


The Tenerife season tickets will be operational to be purchased through the website on July 2 and appointments at the Heliodoro Rodríguez López offices will operate from the 4th. Prices range between 380 euros for Tribuna and 125 for the Popular stands. The big news will be that everyone who brings a new subscriber will get a 5% discount on your card. The reservation period for the seats that subscribers occupied during the last League expires on August 18.

The general director of Tenerife, Santiago Pozas, highlighted that prices “have been frozen compared to last season” and added that “almost 5,000 people will pay less this year due to their loyalty in attending the Heliodoro during the last championship. Furthermore, in the event that there is promotion to the First Division, there will be a discount for all those who subscribe to the 2024-25 season,” he explained.

The pass for the 2024-25 League includes all the matches that Tenerife celebrates at home at the Heliodoro Rodríguez López, without ‘Club Days’, as well as the commitments you celebrate Tenerife B and the women’s team at the Javier Pérez Sports City.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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