
Sports Night comes to Madrid with an incredible Gaming Zone

During the next day July 5, 2024 Plaza de Colón in Madrid will host a new edition of Sports Night. A BRAND event to promote sport and from 8:00 p.m., after the end of the Spain match, until 1:00 a.m. It will bring together all attendees who want to attend for free with great activities of all kinds.

Of course it couldn’t be missed a Gaming Zone, and the Sports Night will have a special stand where there will be up to four PlayStation 4 seats where you can challenge yourself with your friends and show who is the best. A great hobby capable of uniting people of all ages with the aim of spending a spectacular night.

Rodriber, a luxury guest

And if that were not enough, there are still more surprises. And attendees will also be able to enjoy two Gran Turismo simulators to release all your adrenaline putting yourself in the shoes of a professional pilot. Furthermore, all this will be experienced with the best company since Rodriber will be present there.


The protagonist is content creator for DUX Gaming, one of the reference clubs in Spanish electronic sports. Furthermore it is pilot for Chefo Sports in CKC and was a participant in large series such as the Ampeter Online F1 World Championship, So he is an expert on the subject who will surelyIt helps make the gaming experience of MARCA’s La Noche del Deporte unforgettable.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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