
Spanish football is the most expensive in Europe for visiting fans

PFor the second consecutive year, FASFE-Shareholders and Partners of Spanish Football has carried out exhaustive monitoring of the price of tickets for visiting fans in our football. Specifically, it has monitored the prices of the two categories of professional football and the Copa del Rey and has made comparisons with the Leagues and Cups of England, France, Germany and the Netherlands. The results of this monitoring are materialized in the Visitor Price Report 23-24 – #PagoMáximo, which has just been made public.

As far as the First Division is concerned, the average ticket price for visiting fans has been 34.44 euros during the 23-24 season.68 cents less than the previous season, which shows the modest effect of the agreement signed by 17 clubs to make up to 300 tickets available at 30 euros for visiting fans. This small decrease has not been homogeneous, with significant increases having been experienced in the most common price, 25 to 30 euros, and having shattered the record price for visitors, which has reached the astronomical figure of 179 euros.

Likewise, the average price in the second category of Spanish football has experienced an increase of 45 cents, from 18.67 to 19.08 euros. The most common goes from 15 to 20 euros and the maximum goes from 35 to 40.85 euros.

With regards to the King’s Cupa competition that plays almost all of its qualifying rounds in a single match at the home of one of the teams, averages higher than 37.5 euros were observed from 1/16 onwards. In the final, held at the La Cartuja stadium in Seville, the price of the cheapest ticket with full visibility was increased compared to the previous season by almost triple the CPI for the period, from 78 to 85 eurosmaking it even more difficult for the less wealthy to access the final.

If we make a comparison with the competitions of England, France, Germany and the Netherlands, it is observed that in parity of purchasing power, the Spanish First Division has the most expensive tickets for visitors of the countries studied, while the silver category is the second most expensive of the second categories studied. And the final of the Copa del Rey is the one with the highest price of the cheapest ticket of the Cups of the countries under study, even at nominal prices.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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