
Spain beats Portugal on penalties and returns to a World Cup final

Spain will return to a final of the Men’s Roller Hockey World Cupthe modality that has contributed the most world titles to our sport, seven years after the last occasion and thus overcoming the setback of Saint John 2022when a defeat against France In the quarterfinals he relegated Spain to fifth place. On those occasions the Gauls won by penalties. On this occasion, in Novara, luck has been in favor of the Spanish team, which won 2-1 in the round Portugal after reaching the end of the game with 5-5. The rival for the world title will be Argentinawhich beat the host, Italy, 3-5 in the other semifinal. Spain will seek its eighteenth world title.

Guillem’s team capstan won such a tense match and balanced as indicated on the scoreboard and after overcoming a bad start because in the 17th minute Portugal won 2-0 with Helder goals Nunes in a counterattack and Xavi Cardoso long shot. Mark Grau It prevented Spain from breaking away from the game with two goals in two minutes.

Martí Casas scores his penalty.

Ignacio Alabaster put Spain ahead in individual action and then came an exchange of actions that took Spain to the break ahead: another cannonball from Helder Nunes made it 3-3 and an action by Marc Grau completed by Pau Bargalló It also ended in a goal.

In the second half the rhythm It was minor and the goalkeepers were very successful. Helder Nunes He equalized for Portugal by collecting a rebound from his own shot (4-4, min.40). Paul Bargalló put Spain ahead with another long shot with two minutes left but José Miranda he equalized again just five seconds later.

In the penalty shootout Portugal started ahead with a goal from Joao Rodríguez. Martí later scored Casas and Pau Bargalló He scored the second on a shot with some luck. Carles Grau stopped the last Portuguese shot at Rafa Costa.

Portugal: Angelo Girao, Rafa Costa, José Miranda, Joao Rodrigues, Helder Nunes -starting team-, Miguel Vieira, Xavi Cardoso, Gonçalo Pinto, Gonçalo Alves and Alejandro Edo.

Spain: Carles Grau, César Carballeira, Pau Bargalló, Marc Grau, Nil Roca -initial team-, Ignacio Alabart, Martí Casas, Sergi Aragonès and Ivan Morales.

Goals: 1-0: Helder Nunes, min.16. 2-0: Xavi Cardoso. 2-1: Marc Grau, min.17. 2-2: Marc Grau, min.18. 2-3: Ignacio Alabart, min.19. 3-3: Gonçalo Pinto, min.23. 3-4: Pau Bargalló, min.24. 4-4: Helder Nunes, min.40. 4-5: Pau Bargalló, min.48. 5-5: José Miranda, min.49.

Referees: Marco Rondina (ITA) and Joseph Silecchia (ITA). No warnings.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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