
Sofía Valgañón, from MARCA, Lilí Álvarez journalism award

Ehe report by Sofia Valgañón ‘Spanish pioneers: opening the way’, published by MARCA in March 2022 on the occasion of 8-M (International Women’s Day), has been awarded as graphic journalism in the VII edition of the Lilí Álvarez Awards, convened by the Institute for Women and Equal Opportunities (IMIO) in collaboration with the Higher Sports Council, which They aim to highlight journalistic work for equality in sport and make women’s sport visible in Spain..

“Our daughters today sign up for soccer, basketball, skiing or climbing, but it wasn’t always like this. When it was unthinkable for that to happen, they fought daily for everything to change.” This is how a report that reviewed the career of 15 female athletes: Ana María Martínez Sagi, Mari Paz Corominas, Amelia del Castillo, Purificación Santamarta, Carmen Valero, Margot Moles, Sagrario Aguado, Aurora Villa, Montserrat Tresserras i Dou, Conchi ‘Amancio’, María Bernaldo de Quirós, Pepa Chavarri, Faustina Valladolid, Carmen Soriano… and Lilí Álvarez herselfthe first Spanish tennis player (but not only tennis player) at international level.

Sofía Valgañón has worked at MARCA since 1991 and is a regular at the specials on the occasion of 8-M, so one more year was in charge of writing and illustrating a report that also had the collaboration of Raúl Escudero, Emilio Alcalde, Jorge Juan Latorre and Mar Ortiz. The awards ceremony will be held this Wednesday at the Royal Observatory of Madrid.

MARCA already appeared in the Lilí Álvarez awards with two awards in the same category, graphic journalism, won by photographers Pablo García (2019) and Ángel Rivero (2021) for the images ‘Survivors’ and ‘Jump to the Elite’, respectively; with one of text that took Alberto R. Barbero (2022) for the report ‘The coach abused us’; and with one radio to David Menayo and Javier de la Casa (2018)for the program ‘Heel Goals’.

You can read here the report by Sofía Valgañón for MARCA awarded at the Lilí Álvarez


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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