
Rock, paper, scissors and extremes: “Nico has it all and Lamine is a number one”

Spain turned Colonia into a dance floor. The gala featured Nico Williams and Lamine Yamal as stars on the bands, of extreme profession, a job that seemed destined for the drawer of history. With them the Spanish team travels on a rocket, dodges mines with skill and finishes with malice. The impact of Nico and Lamine does not go past teachers in office.

Charly Rexach, legend of Spanish football, with a luxurious career at Barça, He was an upper-class right winger. Analyzes how now “it is seen again, as happens in the case of Vinicius, to players of this type when they seemed like an endangered species. Having extremes is a direct way of creating danger, it is what happens when there is an overflow. These players have speed and skill, it is a virtue. “Spain is one of the few that has that potential.”

Joaquín’s endorsement

Joaquín, legend and password of Betis, an artist of the feint and the dribble, is delighted with what you are seeing. “I really enjoy watching Lamine Yamal and Nico play. They unbalance with their speed and overpowering and that is fantastic for any team.”

I really enjoy watching Lamine and Nico play. Seeing them on the extremes, in a position that seemed to be losing, makes me very happy.

Joaquín (Former soccer player)

Nico Williams and Lamine Yamal’s ‘rock, paper, scissors’… for a bottle!TWITTER

Roberto López Ufarte occupied the left wing with a left foot that produced covers. His dribbling ‘playlist’ found no antidote in defenses. For him “It’s always good to play with wingers. Now it’s done with a changed leg. I, who was left-footed and played on the left, sometimes went to the right because as there was man-to-man marking, the winger followed me and had a worse time.”

Courage and risk

Nico Williams gave the ball to Rodri at 1-1 against Georgia and scored the third after a maneuver in which he mixed the turbo with aim and skill. Rexach highlights that “Nico Williams has verticality. In football you waste a lot of time playing backwards and start from the goalkeeper. That sometimes doesn’t mean playing very well. Nico is brave and takes risks.”

López Ufarte does not put a lock on praise either: “Nico and Lamine are two fantastic wingers, great players. Nico has taken another step, he is taking giant steps. I’ve always loved it. He leaves the rival with some ease and If you can’t, you try again, and again, and again.. He also has a good shot, he is exceptional. He has everything to succeed in football.”

Goal by Nico Williams (3-1) in Spain 4-1 GeorgiaRTVE

Lamine Yamal takes football as a recreation. At 16 years old she already knows him all over Europe. He gave the pass to Fabián at 2-1 and scored a goal that ended up disallowed for offside. For Rexach “Lamine has it all, it’s powerful, fast, it just has the downside to improve a little on the right, but he has punch, center, powers.

López Ufarte sees in Lamine Yamal a player who represents “the future and the present, a number one. There is a great player in the making and being 16 years old is not an excuse not to criticize him. He is one more. He looks for one on one and leaves, he lacks some goals, but he is very good. Spain needs someone like that.”

It seemed like a species that was disappearing. Nico is vertical, he takes risks and is brave; Lamine has it all. Now children in schools are told to play easy, pass and pass, not to dribble

Charly Rexach (Former footballer and coach)

Rexach reflects on the bodies of different periods: “These are physically strong guys, before the ends were smaller, 20 pure extremes were seen and now There is a lack of people to eliminate the rival when there are no spaces. These are people who say either I pass it or they take it away from me. That’s why when that game comes out, that game stands out so much.”

Children don’t haggle

Former player and former coach, Rexach remembers that “before, everyone as a child dribbled. Now in schools they tell you, play easy, pass and pass. As a child, if you like to haggle, you should haggle. There will be time to teach him other things. “You don’t eliminate anyone if you just play it easy.”

Joaquín endorses this football model: “I love extreme football and seeing them play now, when it seemed like that position was being lost, gives me a lot of joy.”

Lamine Yamal and Nico Williams ‘sting each other’ in the mixed zone: “This week is going to be a bit heavy”

The changed leg

Fashion brings to the grass the idea of ​​playing with a changed leg in the last area of ​​the field. A right-hander like Nico flies from the left. A lefty like Lamine executes from the right. López Ufarte clarifies his taste: “I like the natural leg end better, but now there are more footballers who use both legs. The good thing about a winger is that when he reaches the baseline he centers, not that he starts doing things that are useless. Nico and Lamine are brave.” For Joaquín, seeing Lamine and Nico with Spain “gives double satisfaction.”

They are fantastic. Nico, if he can’t, tries again, and again, and again; Lamine looks for one on one and leaves. They are brave

Roberto López Ufarte (Former footballer and coach)

Rexach points out that “if there is a good center forward who can head well He prefers that the wingers play on a natural leg band because in the centers the ball goes outwards. Now it’s a different way for the center forward.”

With the illusion triggered, López Ufarte does not dribble hope: “If there is a team capable of beating Germany, it is Spain.” Furthermore, he concludes that “Rodri is the best in Spain.” The dance does not stop and has seduced the great masters of the craft. Rock, paper, scissors and extremes.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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