
Roberto Martínez: “Cristiano showed his human and emotional side, he never sank and he showed the way for us”

Roberto Martinezselector Portugalanalyzed the meeting before Sloveniaa match in which the Portuguese suffered a lot to qualify for the quarterfinals of the Euro Cup, where they will face France. “Suffering was in the script,” says the coach who also praised Cristiano Ronaldowho missed a penalty in extra time, but then scored the first of the shootout.

Cristiano Ronaldo burst into tears after missing the penalty in extra time

The meeting

“Suffering was in the script. There are no easy games. Today we knew the game that Slovenia was going to face us: The Slovenians play like a club, not like a national team, with great defensive coordination. I think we played very well. It’s a matter of that the ball goes in on the occasions we have had. What I liked, what I enjoyed was the team’s reaction, never giving up and winning in a way that is difficult to see in a penalty shootout. The matches in the Eucocopa are details and today. locker room values ​​helped us win a game.

Cristiano Ronaldo

“I have seen him with responsibility. I had no doubt that he had to be the first thrower. Sometimes that happens, Oblak made a very good save. Cristiano is our captain and I had 1,000% confidence that he could show us the way “Today he showed his human and emotional side; he never sank and led the way.”

The quarterfinals against France

“It is a team that we know well. It is a team that is always in the final phases. It has great individualities. We are going to see two teams that want to go out and score, to control the game, to be close to the rival goal and it will be seen a good game”.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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