
Pablo Ojeda explains the three mistakes why you don’t lose weight: “If you lose weight eating hamburgers…”

Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard for you to lose weight and keep it off over time?” A video begins with this question. nutritionist Pablo Ojeda in which he invites us to participate in his master class where he explains the three fundamental mistakes that prevent people from losing weight.

“I myself have been through a radical change and with my experience and my knowledge I am going to tell you the three fundamental mistakes that I stopped making to reach my ideal weight“says the obesity expert in his class.

Not drinking enough water your body needs and underestimating its quality

According to the expert, “it is no coincidence that more than 60% of our body is water”, since water not only hydrates us It also eliminates toxins and fluids, regulates temporary temperature, lubricates the joints, improves physical performance, satisfies us and helps us regulate intestinal transit.

The nutritionist explains that it is essential to give importance to water quality therefore it is recommended to consume filtered water to avoid introducing toxins and contaminants into our body.

But… how much water should we drink? Pablo Ojeda confesses that The ‘8 glass rule’ is a myth and, although he warns that the formula is not perfect, he does advise divide your weight by 7 to know the number of glasses you should consume. However, other factors must be taken into account such as the season of the year, temperature, humidity, level of physical activity…

Focus on calories and not micronutrients

“It’s not the same to eat you 300 kilocalories in the form of a fast food hamburger than 300 kilocalories from a good salad with salmon or avocado,” explains the expert before remembering that it is important to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.

“If you are not in a deficit it is very difficult to lose weight, but if you lose weight eating fast food hamburgers you will feel inflamed, swollen and you probably have digestive problems. On the other hand, if you lose weight by eating whole, rich and good foods, your body receives the vitamins and minerals necessary and you will not have those inflammation problems,” he warns.

“Hair loss, poor sleep quality, abnormal tiredness, being fatigued all day and a host of negative symptoms are the side effects of a deficiency of these micronutrients“, Add.

Try to achieve the goal alone

The nutritionist explains that before getting your radical change He tried to reach the goal alone without having the necessary tools and knowledge, which is why he failed again and again. To explain this error Pablo Ojeda uses an article published in Harvard Health in which they found that social connections can improve health and increase longevity.

Also, participate in communities with shared goals can “significantly improve performance and motivation as people feel supported and accountable to others.”


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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