
Nostradamus’ alarming prophecy with Andalusia: “Serious danger” for this city

A Over the years, events are always surrounded by suspicions about whether someone had foreshadowed it before. In recent times, the most common are the proclamations launched by My fathera psychic from the Balkans, or the events that happen in ‘The Simpson’which continues to surprise many.

However, the king of these conspiracies is Nostradamus. This historical figure, whose writings date back five centuries, continue to generate a endless debates on social networks and in different media. Among other predictions, this French apothecary has announced events such as the arrival of Napoleon, the assassination of JF Kennedy or the French Revolution.

His prophecies are known to everyone and, now, one of them affects a Spanish city. More specifically, to the capital of Andalusia, Sevilla. For this year, Nostradamus would have communicated some catastrophes in different parts of the planet. One of them will be the city of Seville.

“When a monstrous ox is seen in Seville”

“The true flame will engulf the lady, who will want to throw the innocents into the fire, when she arrives at the assault the army is inflamed, when a monstrous ox is seen in Seville”, wrote the apothecary in the 19th Quatrain of the 6th Century. In this way, the Andalusian capital would be affected by some type of fire that would cause chaos.

Nostradamus' alarming prophecy with Andalusia:

An issue that would cause “terrible consequences” by having fire as the protagonist. The truth is that, analyzing the phrase in detail, the following part must be highlighted: “When the army arrives at the assault it ignites.” A kind of metaphor in which it opens the possibility of the city’s fire department acting to put out the flames.. A disturbing topic that, obviously, will not be very amusing to the citizens of Seville.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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