
Kochorashvili, the heart of Georgia plays in the Second Division

ABefore taking the most important penalty in the history of Georgia, Giorgi Kochorashvili (Tbilisi, 1999) had shot only two in his career. One, in First RFEF with the Castellon (goal, at Calahorra); and another, in Second with the Levante before him Valladolidwhich stopped Masip. However, he grabbed the ball to score the first goal in the final shootout with which Georgia achieved a historic classification for the Euro Cup. The footballer of Levante He achieved a dream that he had harbored since he was a child, when he wrote down the results of each game of the Euro 2008 in a calendar that his parents had bought him. So, in his country – independent of the USSR in 1991– They did not even imagine participating in a great football event. Not only have they achieved it, but they have qualified for the round of 16 tie to face Spainthe selection that amazed Coachin that Euro Cup of Austria y Swiss.

The baptism, not the debut, of Kochorashvili with the absolute Georgia was the 1-7 of Spain in the qualifying phase in September 2023. He watched that match from the bench and it was a revelation for the coach. Sagnol. Since then he has been a starter in all official matches (9) that has disputed Georgia.

The midfielder of the Levantecon 25 years recently turned, he is one of the footballers who stand out from the continent’s revelation team. He has played the three complete games in which he has provided an assist, with a 93,34% of precision in the pass, according to data from the UEFA. She speaks four languages, including Spanish, which she began to speak in 2017when he landed in the Girona after excelling in Under 19 Euro Cup. After a year in the white and red youth team and another on loan in the Peralada, Kochorashvili was about to return to Georgia. The decline of the Peralada a Third and that of Girona a Secondwho could not pay the Georgian player’s purchase option.

So, Tariel Khechikashviliowner of Saburtalo -renamed as Iberiacurrently – was placed in the hands of the agent Antonio Lopezhighly respected in the market East of Europespecially in Georgia. “He asked me to find a club that would pay for Kochorashvili“, remember.

A Coach the club coaches had seen him play First whose subsidiary was active in the Group III of Second B (Barcelona, Espanyol, Valencia, Villarreal y Levante). And he was a coach of the granota club, Gamesthe one who recommended the signing, even though it exceeded the 250.000 euros, for a subsidiary. “When we were going to Valenciahe called Espanyolwith a much superior offer”, recalls López. “In it Levante You will have more options to reach the first team,” he advised him.

The progression of Kochorashvili in it Levante. Starting with the pandemic and the sporting difficulties of the last two years. The alternation of training between the first team – natural grass – and the subsidiary – artificial – caused him quite a few muscle problems. “We had to stop him in the gym a little during his downtime because he was gaining a lot of muscle mass.” Physically the footballer Tbilisi stopped being the ‘8‘Lightweight who is difficult to stop to become a midfielder who distributes game and tow if necessary.

After the descent to Second in 2022he Levante preferred to give in to Kochorashvili al CastellonFirst RFEF– so that he continued to gain experience. In Castalia disputed 40 matches and scored 4 goals, but he was left with the desire to achieve promotion with the black and white club. And this season he has already confirmed himself as one of the players with the greatest projection of the Granota club, which renewed him a month ago until 2027. Con 25 years just completed, Kochorashvili He has known how to wait for his opportunity.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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