
Doctor Antelm Pujol reveals how many days of vacation you need to disconnect: “The symptoms of burn-out…”

El summer has already arrived and, with it, Thousands of Spaniards are already planning their vacationswhile many others They are already enjoying it in these first weeks of July. He rest and periods of disconnection are a fundamental part to be able to carry a healthy and balanced lifeas well as for optimize work performancesince these periods of disconnection are also essential to reduce the high stress loads of routine.

However, on more than one occasion the Doctors and specialists have analyzed rest periods to know what is the ideal measure. That is, to know How many days of rest are necessary so that our body and mind can recharge their batteries? to the maximum and return to work in an optimal state to give one hundred percent. Now him doctor Antelm Pujol He has shared a video through his Instagram profile talking about this.

Citando a un estudio titulado ‘Vacation Days Taken, Work During Vacation, and Burnout Among US Physicians’, que analyzes the rest periods of a group of doctorsthe specialist has revealed How many days of vacation are necessary to achieve optimal rest? and disconnect from the stress of routine and work.

Less than five days is useless

The specialist comments that “Doctors who take more than five consecutive days of vacation achieve a significant reduction in burn-out symptoms, symptoms associated with overwork.”“. On the other hand, Dr. Antelm Pujol explains that “doctors who took less than five days of vacation did not achieve a significant reduction in these symptoms“.

In conclusion, the specialist points out that “The ideal, as we know, would be to work in environments that will not generate burn-out, but we know that sometimes this is not possible. Therefore, planning our vacation days well can be a very effective tool to try to reduce burn-out symptoms.“he points out.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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