
Danger on a road in Guipúzcoa due to the reckless attitude of two drivers: it seemed like a Formula 1 race

Vembarrassing event that occurred on the road Eibar-Ermua, on the N-634in Guipuzcoaafter several vehicles were involved in a dispute on the road, overtaking each other, especially a white van and a black car. Although nothing happened beyond the overtaking, it was a situation that could have ended in an accident.

Firstly, it is the van that overtakes the car improperly, something that makes the other driver decide to pass it again, thus beginning a series of more than dangerous overtakes.

While the fight continued, as if it were a Formula 1 race, The car that was behind both of them was able to record the entire scene, a video that was published on the @SocialDrive_es Twitter, dedicated to this type of road incidents. It all ended after passing a tunnel when both vehicles turned towards the Legarre neighborhood.

Possible sanctions for the drivers involved

Reckless driving:

  • Fine of 600 to 3,000 euros.

  • Withdrawal of driving license from 1 to 6 months.

  • Possible prison sentence of up to 2 years, if the life or physical integrity of other people is endangered.

Undue overtaking:

  • Fine of 200 euros.

  • Loss of 3 points on your driving license.

Not respecting a stop:

  • Fine of 200 euros.

  • Loss of 4 points on your driving license.

Not keeping the safety distance:

  • Fine of 200 euros.

  • Loss of 3 points on your driving license.

In addition to these administrative sanctions, drivers could have to face other civil or criminal liabilities if, as a result of the crash, An accident occurs with material damage or injuries to people.

In this specific case, being about to collide and an accident has not occurredthe most likely sanctions would be for reckless driving, improper overtaking and failure to respect a stop sign.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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