
Cristina Seguí, sentenced to prison for publishing a video of two raped minors

Lto journalist Cristina Seguico-founder of Vox (a political party she left in November 2014), has been sentenced to 15 months in prison and three months of fine (10 euros daily) per broadcast a video of the 12 and 13 year old girls raped in Burjassot.

The newspaper ‘Levante’ publishes that the Criminal Court number 10 of Valencia convicted Cristina Seguí, who can appeal the sentence, for a crime against moral integrity.

Teresa Dominguez informs that the journalist will also have to pay 12,000 euros to the mother of one of the minors as civil liability.

The Court considers it proven that the video published by Cristina Seguí could have contributed to revealing the identity of the girl

The court has considered it proven that Cristina Seguí published an Instagram video on her X (Twitter) account that could have contributed to revealing the identity of the 12-year-old girl who was the victim of a group rape in Burjassot.

“Everything is wrong, she is not a girl of 12 but of 15 or 16, the sex was agreed upon and consensual and they did it to become famous on television thanks to media outlets like you,” is the text that accompanied the video when it was broadcast. .

“The minors were fabricating a false test and they deserved to be beaten up by their parents”

The journalist even went to the program ‘State of alarm’ of Javier Black to broadcast the video under the title ‘Dismantling the false herd of Burjassot’.

“The minors were fabricating a false test and that they deserved to be beaten up by their parents,” Cristina Seguí stated.

He video was removed from the networks at the request of the State Data Protection Agency.

The group rape was reported on May 16 and the five minors prosecuted face between five and six years of confinement.

Cristina Seguí responds to the sentence: “Appeal to the APV and nothing more to say”

“Having regard to the sentence: Appeal exposing the scandals of this matter that is based on the first fallacy “a video of a rape broadcast by the minor who accuses.”

The reality: A live streaming on an IG profile with almost 6,000 followers, in which there is no mention of an assault, and in which the accusing minor does not appear. Neither the ownership of your account nor your image in any way.

Very calm. Appeal to the APV and nothing more to say.”


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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