
Boris Izaguirre and his infidelities: “My husband is a gentleman and I am a bitch”

Ethe rider Alvaro Muñoz Escassi and the model Maria Jose Suarez They have starred in what, until now, has been the last great media breakup. With rumors of infidelity on the part of the Sevillian neither confirmed nor denied by either party, they have put an end to a three-year relationship. Rumors that have been increasing after he was seen this weekend with the actress Hiba Aboukwith whom he would have shared breakfast on Sunday at a hotel in Jerez de la Frontera and whom he could be meeting.

In ‘Late’, Bea Archidona has spoken with Alaska, Xavier Sardá, Boris Izaguirre y Mario Vaquerizo of breakups and infidelities. The presenter highlighted that almost half of the divorces and separations that take place throughout the year occur in the three summer months. Experts attribute it to changes in routine, irascibility caused by heat, spending more time as a couple and, therefore, arguing more and meeting new people.

I know that at this table there is someone who cannot be unfaithful for even a quarter of an hour, who cannot be unfaithful for even half an hour.“, indicated Xavier Sardá in reference to Alaska, while at the same time being convinced that she would forgive Mario Vaquerizo for infidelity, who has denied such a possibility: “No, you are very wrong, teacher“. “I believe that Alaska cannot be unfaithful to Mario Vaquerizo,” said the Catalan journalist. “No, it is impossible, there is no possibility“said the multifaceted artist.

“I am older and I have had a life. And From infidelity, in my experience, you don’t get over it with the passage of time. And then, it depends on the person you’re with. And there are people who are more proud and who are clear that they would never overcome a situation like that and I know that is the case.“Alaska highlighted in reference to her husband, Mario Vaquerizo, who then gave his opinion: “I believe that infidelity is still a lack of sincerity. So if Alaska doesn’t want to be with me, she tells me, ‘I don’t want to be with you.’ And to another thing butterfly. Because? Because in the end everything is known“.


Xavier Sardá has stressed that anyone can make a mistake. “Already but after the setback, you don’t get up well, “I know,” Alaska added. “I don’t know what you’re telling me right now. What I want to say is that when you need to go with another person, I respect that, so you have to leave him.“, Mario Vaquerizo continued, at which point the former host of ‘Martian Chronicles’ insisted that one can be unfaithful at a party, on any given day, a statement that has irritated the leader of Nancys Rubias: “For Please, one thing, Let’s not associate the party world with the fact that you can do whatever you want“.

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At that moment, it was Alaska that turned the tables. “You must have been a bit of a piece“, he snapped at Xavier Sardá, who has not shied away from the topic. “I have been unfaithful, but I am no longer unfaithful at all“he stated.”I say categorically that I have not been unfaithful to my wife since I have been married to her.“, stressed the Barcelonan, who then sought to tickle Boris Izaguirre with the following question: “Why can’t you guarantee that fidelity to your partner?“. “What I’m tired of is that you can’t be what you want to be, that you can be everything, that you can be faithful and unfaithful, because deep down, when you try it, you realize that both things can happen. You can be in love with two people at the same time.“, the Venezuelan has stated.

Next, Xavier Sardá was curious to know what Boris Izaguirre’s reaction would be if his husband were unfaithful to him. “My husband is a gentleman and I am a whore, you understand? AND His problem is having married a whore, because maybe he thought he could redeem me. Many men believe that“, the man from Caracas has made clear, who has finally acknowledged that he has also been ‘unfaithful’ to his former boss in ‘Martian Chronicles’.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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