
Bahamas is already scary in the Spanish Olympic Qualifiers: 59 points between Ayton, Hield and Gordon!

El great danger, due to talent and ignorance of the maximum level achievable, the Valencia Pre-Olympic is in the Bahamas. A country that raised his basketball proposal in recent summers, recruiting NBAs (DeAndre Ayton, Buddy Hield and Eric Gordon) and ‘cajoling’ (Klay Thompson or the Mobley brothers) others who may join in the coming summers. And on the pitch, so far, they do not disappoint. They beat Finland in the debut at Fonteta (85-96) and are closer to the semifinals of the qualifier for Paris 2024. Increasing danger.


Although Bahamas did not surpass everything expected in the first minutes. Yes, she came out volcanic and showing her two best weapons: DeAndre Ayton, a center almost impossible to stop, and Eric Gordon. But Finland built a wall and between Jantunen and Maxhuni (12 each at the break) opened the scoring against a second Caribbean unit that was failing (54-47, 20′). That’s where the problems ended.

Bahamas grows

But the differential talent is on the Bahamian side and that is a differential advantage. Buddy Hield, a shooter who did not come from a good NBA Playoffs with the 76ers, took out his arsenal. Two triples, one against and Bahamas were in the game all at once (65-64, 24′). The acceleration was total. More physicality on his side, Ayton’s omnipresence, the ability to run and a damage that in Finland they were not able to reduce.


The bleeding continued under the new match scheme (67-73, 30′). Bahamas was comfortable with the command of Ayton Hield. AND Edgecombe Jr., who is a candidate for the top-5 of the next NBA Draft, joined at the beginning of the last quarter with physicality and transition (74-84, 34′). For the ‘Suomi’, the story changed as soon as the triples of the first half stopped going in.

Such as Miro Little when Finland had a shot get within five (81-88, 38′). Although his combativeness was still present, because between Nkamhoua and Maxhuni they tightened the clash. He did not make the Bahamas tremble, because Eric Gordon, a little grayer than the rest of the stars, invented a basket and served a triple to Franco Miller. Buddy Hield joined in to complete his great game with another one.

In it 85-96 final They highlighted the pieces that everyone mentions in the Bahamas. DeAndre Ayton had 19 points and 9 rebounds. Buddy Hield, at 24 with a sensational 6/12 in T3. And Eric Gordon finished with 16. But Edgecombe also joined, up to 20. A small sample of the many things that scare the most fearsome rival of the Valencia Pre-Olympic.

Statistics –

Finland – 85

Bahamas – 96


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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