
Accusations of black magic in football: “He has done horrible things to the person I love”

Anel AhmedhodzicBosnian footballer who currently plays for the Sheffield United F. C. of the EFL Championshipha drastically broken any type of relationship with his father, Mirsad Ahmedhodzicafter serious accusations from his father.

“He has done horrible things to the person I love”said the 25-year-old defender, who did not hesitate to accuse his father of “manipulation, lies, scams and almost daily harassment”.

In a statement published on N1 television, the footballer explained that “the only thing you want from your father as a son is support and pride. Unfortunately, I received very little of that… He is not a man, he persecutes people who I care every time something is wrong. I’m not even going to go into the things he did when he was younger, but if you believe his interview, maybe we should interview my mother.” Also about what she has to say about him as a person and a father?”

Ahmedhodzic’s father accused his partner of doing black magic to make him leave the national team

Ahmedhodzic’s father accused Marijana, Anel’s partner and mother of his son, of using “black magic” against the Sheffield United player.

Saying that my wife has done black magic on me. It’s very insulting to me and especially to my wife.

Anel Ahmedhodzic

“I have a very strong faith in Allah and it can never be taken away from me. I will do everything I can to protect my family and the people I love from evil people like him. And to say that my wife has done black magic on me. It is very insulting for me and especially for my wife,” he explained.

Mirsad said that “he no longer considered himself his son” and suggested that “bad people” had pushed him to stop playing for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It all started when Anel Ahmedhodzic left his team using injuries, incorrect medical treatment and insults from fans on social networks as excuses.

The father declared in an interview that his son made that controversial decision “under the influence of his wife and mother-in-law”.

Anel Ahmedhodzic, who denied that he wanted to leave Sheffield United, clarified his decision to retire from international football, stating that “the whole country has come after me, my wife and my son” with “extremely bad insults and abuse.”


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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