
Earth from field: Towering ‘yin-yang’ crater sits atop a dormant volcano in Turkey

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The place is it? Mount Nemrut volcano, Turkey [38.650, 42.230].

What’s within the picture? A crater pond and frozen lava flows within the mountain’s caldera.

Who took the picture? An astronaut on board the Global Territory Station.

When used to be it taken? April 17, 2022.

This hanging picture used to be captured from the Global Territory Station. It highlights the extraordinary crater, or caldera, of the Mount Nemrut volcano in Turkey, which is break nearly proper unwell the center through a pond and solidified lava flows.

Mount Nemrut, which used to be named then the biblical determine King Nimrod, stands 9,672 toes (2,948 meters) towering on the intersection between the Arabian and Eurasian tectonic plates. The dormant stratovolcano endmost had a significant eruption in 1650, consistent with NASA’s Earth Observatory.


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