
Thomas Piketty: “We have already entered a kind of post-neoliberal era”

Over the years, he has insisted on the idea that inequality is not natural; even less, accept it. To combat it, he does not hide it: the left is “the only way to resolve the environmental, economic and social contradictions of our time”. In the 2007 presidential elections, he was economic advisor to PS candidate Ségolène Royal, defeated by Nicolas Sarkozy. But his political convictions are asserted in various ways, as in this ideological antagonism: “People who don’t want to pay taxes, who don’t want to share wealth, try to pretend that the left is radical.” In an interview with Expresso, Piketty spoke about Europe and how France and Germany are in the hands of “strange political animals”, praised Draghi’s plan and provided clues for the future of progressive and left-wing forces that want to resist the shock of extreme -right: “If they look at social democracy as a kind of frozen product, and don’t want to change much, that opens the door to new political movements.”

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Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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