
The most Alentejo tavern in Lisbon celebrates its anniversary by serving the signature dishes of a “mind-blowing” journey

In the heart of Mouraria, the most Alentejo tavern in Lisbon opened in 2019. Five years later, Leopoldo Garcia Calhau, chef and owner, feels that “it seems like it took longer, with the pandemic in the way and with how much we were forced to invent so as not to stand still†. And so it was, with events such as “Cabeças e Miolos†, which brought together Vasco Coelho Santos and Leopoldo Garcia Calhau in the kitchen, or “Mata Bicho†, a dinner starting at 9 am, with an oyster and a shot of pomace, and finishing at 12:30 pm.

Shrimp and Lupine

There were many adventures, remember the chef, like the day I “set up a table in the street on the hood of my car†, among many others that the memory keeps with a smile. Among them the idea of ​​bringing the filling from an old tavern in Beja to place it in Mouraria. There are more than 100 creations created together with the kitchen team, who made each service “always mind-blowing†, he recalls. Today, five years later, creativity has not disappeared, but has given way to consistency, and for “those who are more nostalgic, let’s take a trip through the dishes that customers liked most over the past few years†, concludes Leopoldo Garcia Pebble.

Joana’s Walnut Pudding

For five days, starting this Monday, July 1st, the proposals change daily, starting the celebrations of the five years of Taberna do Calhau with “Shrimp and lupine†, “Tomato, tomato, tomato”, “Hake, egg and coriander”, “Bacalhau e Bulhão Pato”, “Alentejaninha” and the now famous “Joana’s Nut Pudding”. On July 2nd there is “Tired Horse Soup†, “Green Eggs and Spread†, “Kale… Cabbage…Cauliflower†, “Squid and Potato†, “Duck and Same Rice†€ and an impressive “Onion and caramel†dessert. Both menus cost €35.

Calhau Tavern

The last three days of the celebrations feature “Tomato and fish†, “Relaxed patty†, “Sardines, bread and tomato†, “Carbineiro sausage†, “Drunk duck†and “Farófias and caramel†(€40). On the 4th of July they serve “Oysters and beetroot†, “ Foie gras and turnips†, “Potatoes and caviar†, “Cod and xerém†, “Molejas and esparregado†and a “Semifred†(€40) to finish. On the last day, it’s time for the “Carbineer and pistachio†, “Red shrimp and anchovies†, “Gizzards and brains†, “Hake and onion†, “Oxtail jardineira†to arrive on the table. € and “Almond pie†(€40).

Leopoldo Garcia Calhau

Looking at the path taken since 2019, Leopoldo Garcia Calhau concludes about this journey that “it was a very rewarding five years with a series of good stories to tell. We went through a pandemic, we challenged ourselves, we celebrated our first birthday for two days with 10 chefs and 10 meals, we grew up†. But, now and more than ever, “we know what we want: good product, good food and creating memories around the table†, he concludes.

A Calhau Tavern (Largo das Olarias, 23, Lisbon. Tel. 910163649) open Tuesday and Wednesday from 6:30 pm to midnight and from Thursday to Saturday from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm and from 6:30 pm to midnight.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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