
The complex joy of the Brazilian people

The articles written by the PÚBLICO Brasil team are written in the variant of the Portuguese language used in Brazil.

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Contrary to the bad structural epidemic mood, which is plaguing smaller countries in terms of cultural and community size and breadth, Brazil, even with the strong attempts to create tools of political and religious polarization in a larger project of building electoral corrals, is still a terreiro tropical blessed by God and beautiful by nature.

Only Brazil is capable of making an Englishman leave his family and go away with the circus.

Brazilians, intuitively, become careless and let joy shine the curtain of their teeth. Joy is the light in the daily lives of these people, these people. The African-Luso-Tupiniquim gene, however, remains intact. An ancestral, telluric, intrinsic and contagious altruism.

In 1972, in an interview with JB FM radio, Tom Jobim already said that there was a type of man in Brazil who wants to set fire to the forest, kill the Indians and enslave women.

However, even with criminal fires that little by little are destroying Brazilian biomes in favor of agribusiness, these mongrel people — mestizo, creative, resilient and persevering — are adapting to time and storms, and are capable of giving it a cafuné with the look and make any foreigner feel at home.

It is also possible in Rio de Janeiro to sit at a table in a classic bar such as Bode Cheiroso, Adonis or Momo, and, within a few minutes, start chatting with the table next to you, sit down on a case of beer and , at the end of the bohemian shift, look to the side and think you are at some end of year family party.

Last week, upon landing at Antonio Carlos “Galeão” Brazilian de Almeida Jobim airport, in Rio, I went to meet my partners Moacyr Luz, Edu Krieger, Rodrigo Maranhão, Pedro Luís and Gabriel Moura for a photo shoot at Aterro do Flamengo for publicity of shows we are doing together in some Brazilian cities. The six of us were walking towards Guanabara Bay and were being approached by some people who had the sea in their eyes in common.

— Only in Rio does someone go to the beach to drink beer and come across this wonder of finding composers strolling on their way to the sea — said a man.

We sat at a beach shack under the shade of a coconut tree — the ones that sell coconut water, caipirinha, mate and beer — and, as there was a guitar between us, a young guy who worked at the establishment arrived and said:

— Sorry to bother you, do you want me to turn down the music on the tent radio so as not to disturb you?

Marcelo Freixo, president of Embratur, should perpetuate the slogan: “If the supply of joy is running out in your life, come visit Brazil”. In case of lack of joy, come to Brazil!


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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