
Santa Casa da Misericórdia modernizes betting with new “app” and end of paper ballots

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa is preparing to launch a technological revolution in the betting sector in Portugal, Jornal de Notícias advances this Wednesday. By April, the institution wants to completely eliminate traditional paper bulletins, replacing them with a new digital system. With this initiative, which involves the installation of new gaming machines and the launch of a mobile application, Santa Casa aims to modernize the betting process and increase security in paying prizes.

New Application and Game Machines

The changes have already started to be implemented in the approximately five thousand physical betting points of sale spread across the country. The new machines, which are being installed in partnership with mediators, have the ability to read the citizen’s card, allowing the bettor’s age to be automatically verified. This functionality will also facilitate the payment of premiums, especially in cases where the amounts vary between 2 thousand and 5 thousand euros, making the process safer and more efficient.

The dematerialization of bets, with the end of paper slips, will be a reality thanks to the new Santa Casa Games application, scheduled to be launched by April. With the app, users will be able to place digital bets through a QR code system, eliminating the need for physical receipts.

Expansion of the Betting Network

In parallel with technological modernization, Santa Casa is preparing to expand its network of betting mediators. In the coming months, more than 200 new points of sale will be opened, with the institution planning to open another 800 by the end of 2025. Applications to become a mediator are now open and the application criteria favor commercial spaces that already operate in areas such as restaurants, stationery and tobacconists, with a minimum opening hours of eight hours a day and video surveillance systems in the gaming area. The expansion of the network aims to meet the needs of the national territory and boost local economies, especially through medium and small businesses.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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