
PSD holds first parliamentary days since it became Government dedicated to the state of the nation

The PSD will hold parliamentary conferences dedicated to the state of the nation on Monday and Tuesday in Sintra, with the motto “Portugal on the right path†, which will be closed by the party president, Luís Montenegro.

The state of the nation debate, which closes the parliamentary year from a political point of view, is scheduled for July 17th.

In the first parliamentary days of the Social Democrats since the PSD/CDS-PP Government took office on April 2, there is no member of the executive among the speakers, with the exception of the Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro.

Before the formal opening of the days, scheduled for 3:00 pm, by the PSD parliamentary leader, Hugo Soares, the deputies will divide themselves on Monday morning into five groups that will visit the Wellbeing Center Social of Queluz, the Business Association of Sintra, a marble stone exploration company, the Education Center for Disabled Citizens and the Escola da Guarda, the GNR educational establishment, in Queluz.

After the opening, the first panel of the conferences will be dedicated to the theme “Care and Respect†and will have as speakers Eurico Castro Alves, doctor and coordinator of the Health Emergency Plan that the Government approved at the end of May, and Isabel Jonet, president and founder of the Food Bank.

University professor and television commentator Nuno Rogeiro will be the speaker on the second panel, under the theme “Portugal in Europe and the World†.

The dinner on the first day, which coincides with the time of Portugal’s round of 16 European football championship game against Slovenia, will not have a guest speaker, contrary to what has been customary.

On Tuesday, the discussion will be on “Challenges and Opportunities from Politics to the Economy†, with journalist Mafalda Anjos and former Secretary of State for Entrepreneurship Carlos Oliveira as speakers.

The closing session is scheduled for 12:00, with a new intervention by Hugo Soares and a speech by Luís Montenegro.

The PSD’s last parliamentary days took place on October 16 and 17 last year, focusing on the State Budget, and had among the speakers the previous president of the Economic and Social Council, the socialist Francisco Assis, and the former minister Mira Amaral.

On that occasion, António Costa was prime minister, a position from which he resigned less than a month later, on November 7, after the Attorney General’s Office issued a statement in which he was referred to as being targeted. of investigations within the scope of the so-called Operation Influencer – a judicial process that investigates the process of installing a ‘Data Center’ in Sines, as well as business with lithium and hydrogen gas nio.

During these parliamentary days, the PSD announced the vote against the State Budget for 2024 – a document that is still being executed, as there was no amendment – and Luís Montenegro, then leader of opposition, accused the Government with an absolute majority of the PS of reaching certain accounts “at the cost of the suffering of families and companies†and the growth of the economy.

“I believe that Portugal needs someone, and in this case from the main opposition party, to say that, if the king is not going naked, he will at least be half naked, said LuÃs Montenegro, at the end of these days.

The PSD leader then admitted that it is better to have these accounts straight “than a situation of imbalance or pre-bankruptcy†which he considered to be common among socialist executives.

“But having the right accounts comes at the cost of the suffering of families, companies and at the cost of economic growth… Having the right accounts with this strategy is not the future for Portugal, this cannot last forever.†, he warned.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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