
Political center “has enormous difficulty communicating” with young people: “There is a revolt that is strange”

É No. 2 in the top Portuguese rulers with the longest time in office. Above him, only António Costa. In several socialist governments he held five portfolios: he was minister of Education, Defense, Culture, Parliamentary Affairs and Foreign Affairs. Until March of this year he was number 2 in the State hierarchy, having been replaced by Aguiar-Branco. In the last elections he was not re-elected deputy by the constituency of emigration Outside Europe. Some voices thought that the result was due to having provoked Chega, which had angered the emigrant electorate in Brazil. He rejects the idea and says he will dedicate his study to the new generation of boys who seem to be the new ultra-radical right-wing rebels.

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Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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