
Morrissey fires management team after exchange of accusations with Johnny Marr about the Smiths

Morrissey fired his team managementfollowing the answer given to him by Johnny Marr about the Smiths.

The musician, remember, left harsh criticisms of Marr over the last few weeks, accusing him of having registeredwithout informing him, the name The Smiths. According to Morrissey, this would allow Marr to tour under the name The Smiths, replacing him as lead singer.

Morrissey also accused Marr of having “ignored” a “lucrative offer” to reunite the Smiths, who could return to the stage in 2025.

Faced with the guitarist’s response – who rejected all chargessaying that it was Morrissey who did not sign a contract ceding the rights to the name The Smiths to both of them, and explaining that he did not “ignore” the offer of a reunion but, rather, decisively rejected it – Morrissey decided to fire his team management.

“Morrissey has severed all ties to Red Light Management / Pete Galli Management”, can be read in a very short statement shared on the “Morrissey Central” bsite, which he uses to communicate with fans.

At issue should also be the delay in publishing “Bonfire of Teenagers”, an album announced in 2021. A few days ago, Morrissey accused the publishers of wanting to censor him.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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