
Ministry of Education extends enrollment deadline again

After a first postponement of the deadline for enrollment in grades 6 to 9 and 11, due to many difficulties in accessing the portal that allows registrations in public schools, the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation was forced to extend the deadline again.

This time, it is the registrations for specialized artistic education that are causing the greatest difficulties and the deadline, instead of ending this Friday, will be extended until July 8th, that is, until next Monday -fair. This extension also applies to students from 6th to 9th and even 11th who may not have been able to register yet.

In a response sent to Expresso, the Ministry explains that the problems being experienced are due to “communication failures on the part of the Education Financial Management Institute (which manages the enrollment portal) instructing schools to upload offers within the scope of specialized artistic education. And that the latest failures are “unrelated to the companies OutSystems and Babel, which have been collaborating with IGeFE†.

The Ministry also indicates that 87 thousand enrollments or renewals of enrollments had already been registered by mid-afternoon this Thursday, including 2300 for artistic education.

This weekend and until July 10th, enrollment for the 2nd to 5th years of basic education will take place. The deadline for those going into the 10th and 12th years begins on the 15th of July, ending on the 20th of this month.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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