
Luís Montenegro alone on the right defending António Costa: candidacy will “consummate” tomorrow

The date and moment justified that António Costa’s name would not be left out of the second debate this Wednesday. Not only was it the preparatory debate for the European Council, but it was taking place one day after it became known that the former prime minister was even closer to being the next leader of this European institution – he has already been agreement reached between Liberals, Socialists and PPE for the main top positions in the European Union, an agreement that includes the name of the socialist. Despite being isolated on the right in support of António Costa, Luís Montenegro maintained his arguments and attacked the parties that see “strangeness†in an agreement for the sake of “national, but also European interests†.

“It is still expected that a pre-agreement will be maintained [para os cargos de topo na UE] which has already been made public. Our conviction is that the candidacy [de António Costa para o CE] it will be consummated tomorrow†, announced the current Prime Minister at the start of the debate that followed the fortnightly.

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Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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