
Left front in local governments? PCP agrees to meet, but says it has a “distinctive” project

The general secretary of the PCP announced today that the party accepted Livre’s request for a meeting to think about agreements on the left for local authorities, but stressed that the communists have an autonomous project “distinct from all others “.

In a press conference following a meeting of the central committee, Paulo Raimundo stated that this meeting with Livre will be a “normal meeting”, but highlighted the current “autoarchic responsibilities of the PCP” and that the party is ¡ “in a dispute for the affirmation of this distinctive project”.

We have already responded affirmatively to hold this meetinga normal meeting, even following the European Parliament elections itself is a normal meeting, let’s accept it, we are still in the process of scheduling a date, because these calendars sometimes don’t allow it sooner”, declared the PCP leader.

Paulo Raimundo avoided giving a definitive answer on the possibility of there being an alliance on the left in the next municipalities, reiterating only the differences between the communist proposals for the remaining forces and that this is a question which depends on the political projects that are presented.

“You know us, I have reaffirmed this several times, the issueIt’s not person A, B or C, it’s not the numerical objective this or that, the issue is the contents, the proposals, the solutions for the populations and a project that responds to the populations’ problems”, he stated.

The general secretary of the PCP also defended that the communist history in the local authorities has “proven evidence” and shows “differentiated work, with a path of construction, of involvement of other people, many independent, people who associates with the CDU for the project it has and the response it gives to problems”.

“It’s not exactly something that can’t be compared, it can be compared, with proven evidence, and that’s what we’re working on, we’re working hard”, added Paulo Raimundo.

The communist leader also added that the party also has a meeting scheduled for next week with the Ecologist Party “The Greens” to address local issues and analyze the results of the European elections.

Livre announced on the 23rd that it had requested meetings with the leaders of the PS, Bloco de Esquerda (which has already accepted the invitation), PCP and PAN to analyze the current political situation, following the latest elections. ions for the European Parliament, and now think about local authorities.

For Livre, it is “essential that dialogue between progressive and left-wing forces occurs at a time of great challenges for national and European democracy” such as those currently being faced.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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