
Le Pen accuses Macron of preparing “an administrative coup”

The leader of the French far-right accused the country’s President, Emmanuel Macron, this Tuesday of preparing “a kind of administrative coup d’état” to prevent the winning parties in next Sunday’s elections from having freedom government.

“I hope it’s just a rumor”, declared Marine Le Pen in an interview with France Inter radio, adding that last Wednesday’s Council of Ministers had more nominations than usual.

According to rumors that reached the far-right leader, Macron intends to appoint the director general of the police and the “gendarmerie” (French militarized police) and make several other appointments to the Administration French.

“For people who teach democracy classes around the world, I find this surprising,” Le Pen complained.

According to the far-right leader, after the “democratic boost” he had by calling the legislative elections in advance, after his defeat in the European elections on June 9, Macron is now “doing everything possible to make it difficult the democratic process” with its electoral propaganda.

The candidates National Regroupment (Rassemblemant National-RN, in French), Le Pen’s party, allied with a group of conservatives were the winners of the first round of legislative elections in France on Sunday – with 33% of the votes -, putting them in a position to have a majority in the National Assembly after the second round, which takes place next Sunday, or even reach an absolute majority.

This absolute majority, which would imply reaching at least 289 of the 577 deputies, is the condition that the candidate for Prime Minister of RN, Jordan Bardella, established to govern.

However, Marine Le Pen considered a scenario that, if she obtains 270 seats, she will consult other deputies, such as those from the conservative party The Republicans to see if they will be willing to support her on some legislative projects and, in particular, , to approve the State Budget.

The far-right leader reiterated that if they reach the Government, they will not be part of the executive.

“I will not be a second prime minister,” Le Pen stressed, adding that she will act as leader of the parliamentary group.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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