
Juan Carlos launches memoir book and is embarrassed by photos with actress Bárbara Rey, his lover in the 90s

Juan Carlos de Borbón, who reigned in Spain for 39 years, seems intent on filling the last years of his life with shocks and scandals. In addition to going publish memories that promise to be uncomfortable (coming soon), the former head of state, who turns 87 in January, is causing a new embarrassment for his family when he resurfaces in public an extramarital affair around 30 years old.

When some would expect a pleasant shelter, surrounded by the affection of his family, the social recognition of his many achievements as head of state and international admiration, the emeritus reaches the twilight of his existence alone, unwillingly exiled to a country far from his cultural references, repudiated by his immediate family and leading, voluntarily or not, informative uproars motivated by often reprehensible conduct.

This Wednesday, the magazine “Privé”, from the Netherlands, publishes photos showing the then Spanish king kissing and hugging the artist Bárbara Rey, one of the many lovers in his busy romantic life. The photographs were taken in 1994 by one of the star’s children, Ángel, who was 13 years old. According to testimony collected by the Dutch publication, he did so at his mother’s request.

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Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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