
Jamie Foxx reveals what led to him being hospitalized in serious condition last year: “I blacked out for 20 days”

Jamie Foxx finally revealed what led him to be hospitalized for a long period, in 2023.

The actor was filmed telling his story to a group of fans, in Phoenix (USA), a video released by the website “PageSix†. “I had a huge headache,†he said, “and I asked for an Advil [medicamento de ibuprofeno destinado a dores de cabeça e enxaquecas]. I blacked out for twenty days.” The episode took place on April 11, 2023 and the actor guarantees that he does not remember anything during that period.

Foxx was in Atlanta (USA) and was taken to the hospital by his sister and daughter. “The doctor said I had something in my head, but I’m not going to say what it was in front of a camera,” said the actor, pointing directly at whoever was filming him.

In July, Foxx reappeared in an Instagram video in which, in tears, he stated that he only did it at that moment (and not before) because he didn’t want to be seen “in the state he was in†. Until now, the situation has only been described as “a medical complication†.

A month later, the actor resumed filming the film “Back in Action†, where he stars opposite Cameron Diaz.

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Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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