
In a divided France, everyone unites against Bardella (while Bardella sweeps racists under the rug)

It wasn’t a debate (heated, like last week) but, first, a succession of individual interviews, live on France 2, with candidates from the forces that will contest the second round of the French legislatures next Sunday.

The young face of the far right, and great winner of the first clashJordan Bardella, from Reagrupamento Nacional (RN), immediately attacked the agreement between the other parties (left and center), which removed candidates from the electoral districts where they came third, in a kind of “barragem republicana” that prevents, on Sunday, a victory for RN. Bardella considered it “an alliance that dishonors†French politics, admitted that it is even “interference from Emmanuel Macron†— and it is true that the French President made a call for a “broad, clearly democratic and republican alliance†— but which will not prevent the voters he represents “from having access to power†. 

Soon afterwards he found himself, and even at the beginning, in the most delicate moment of the entire interview, when he was confronted with countless racist or anti-Semitic statements (including statements denying the Holocaust) made by RN legislative candidates. Jordan Bardella, unable to deny it, guaranteed that his hand “will not tremble” and will defend the republican values ​​of freedom, equality and fraternity, “putting them [aos candidatos] out†from the party and politics.

However, and with 80 “problematic†candidates pointed out to him, Bardella, now, denied it, assuming that “there are just four or five casting errors†, which cannot be summarized as those – “the very high quality profiles of our candidates†.

Contrary to what was admitted last weekthe National Regroupment may still win, yes, but it will hardly triumph with a majority, which is why Jordan Bardella was asked “how will he govern then?†The candidate preferred to dramatize. “If I go the Prime Minister, I will be Prime Minister of all French people. But after a week my government falls with the vote on some motion of censure,” he admitted.

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Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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