
In 2009, Fausto joined Sérgio Godinho and José Mário Branco in the memorable show “Três Cantos”. Remember the Lisbon concert here

Fausto at the show Três Cantos, in Lisbon, October 2009

Rita Carmo

In 2009, Fausto, Sérgio Godinho and José Mário Branco came together on stage, in the show “Três Cantos†, later published on disc and DVD. On the day of Fausto Bordalo Dias’ death, we remember the chronicle of the concert on October 22nd, at Aula Magna, in Lisbon, where “more than the personality and individual achievements of each musician, the collective songbook was celebrated [dos autores]as well as a certain idea of ​​Portuguese music – traditional but with an eye on the future, combative, when not intervening, and always faithful to itselfâ€

In 2009, Fausto joined Sérgio Godinho and José Mário Branco in the memorable show “Três Cantos†. Remember the Lisbon concert here

In 2009, Fausto joined Sérgio Godinho and José Mário Branco in the memorable show “Três Cantos†. Remember the Lisbon concert here


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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