
“I will negotiate”: Donald Trump says the United States must “exit” from the war in Ukraine

“I will do it. I’m going to negotiate, I’m going to leave.” This time, Donald Trump could not have been clearer. The Republican presidential candidate stressed, on Tuesday, that the United States of America (USA) has to “get out” of the war in Ukraine, and also accused Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden of having no plans to achieve this outcome.

While speaking in Georgia, Trump pointed the finger at his opponents: “Biden and Kamala got us into this war in Ukraine, and now they can’t get us out. They can’t get us out of there.”

Despite not having troops in Ukraine, the US has provided billions of dollars worth of military and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. Trump considers the country to be tied to conflict. “I think we will be stuck in this war unless I am President. I will do it. I’m going to negotiate, I’m going to leave. We have to leave. Biden says ‘we’re not leaving until we win’. What will happen if they win?”

Donald Trump raised two historic conflicts to suggest that Moscow would not lose. “What happens if they win? That’s what they do, they make wars. As someone told me the other day, they beat Hitler, they beat Napoleon. That’s what they do. They fight. And it’s not pleasant.” Russia lost the Russo-Ottoman war of 1710-1711, the Crimean war of 1853 against the United Kingdom and France, the Russo-Japanese war of 1904, the Polish war of 1920, the war in Afghanistan, the first Chechen war , between 1994 and 1996. And many analysts even consider that it emerged defeated from the Cold War.

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Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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