
Group of citizens that includes two former ministers files criminal complaint against André Ventura and parliamentary leader of Chega

Former Minister of Justice Francisca Van Dunem and former Minister of Education João Costa, João Maria Jonet, Daniel Oliveira and Pedro Marques Lopes are some of the signatories of a criminal complaint filed against Chega deputy Pedro Pinto and his leader, André Ventura. The information is advanced by “News Diary”who had access to a version of the document.

At issue are the statements considered by these subscribers as instigating the commission of a crime, and, therefore, criminal offenses, following the shooting death by the police of Odair Moniz, in the Cova da Moura neighborhood.

Miguel A. Lopes

These are the words that Pedro Pinto said, in a debate on RTP3, on Wednesday: “Maybe, if [os agentes] If they shot more and killed people, the country would be more in order.” André Ventura also made some comments about the case, which will now be the subject of a criminal complaint, including: “We shouldn’t make this man a defendant, we should be grateful for the work this police officer did. We should decorate him (…)” On the social network “X”, Ventura continued with the arguments: “In a normal country everyone would think the same, but it seems that criminals are protected more than police officers.” And he returned to them, in another publication: “Thank you, thank you. That was the word we should be giving to the police officer who shot another criminal in Cova da Moura.” Accusing Odair Moniz of “in all probability committing crimes”, the leader of the radical right party understood that the police officer accused of shooting “it went well”.

The crimes invoked by the subscribers in the criminal complaint are the “apology of a crime”, punishable by article 298. of the Penal Code, and “incitement to commit a crime” and “public instigation of a crime” (article 297). Against Pedro Pinto and André Ventura, according to what was signed, “incitement to collective disobedience”, under article 330, will still fall. of the Penal Code, as a “division” between police forces and/or other sovereign bodies would have been promoted. For allegedly “promoting or founding a group, organization or association whose purpose or activity is directed at the commission of one or more crimes”, in the text, Pedro Pinto and André Ventura are also cited for the possible crime of criminal association (by article 299 of the Code Criminal).


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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