
Government says that Pedro Nuno Santos showed that the IRS reduction violates the brake law

In an interview with Antena1 and Jornal de Negócios, the Minister of the Presidency António Leitão Amaro reveals that the reform of public administration will also reach citizen stores and citizen spaces and that all public servants involved in the reform will be placed, and will not be part of a requalification grant. He adds that, at the end of the summer, it will be possible to know which State building will be released for housing at controlled costs. From a political point of view, the minister adds an argument about the constitutionality of the IRS reduction in Parliament: for the Government, the brake law may be at stake.

In the interview with Antena 1, António Leitão Amaro remains uncertain whether or not the Government asks the Constitutional Court to evaluate the reduction in IRS approved by the opposition in the Assembly of the Republic, but, like the Prime Minister, minister did last week, shows resistance to lowering the tax this year, presenting arguments for not changing the withholding tax tables. For the minister, when the PS leader said in Parliament that if the Government does not publish new tables for this year it is throwing “a tantrum”, then it is assuming that Parliament approved a reduction of taxes and revenues in the current year “and this is different from what the brake law says”.

LuÃs Montenegro during the biweekly debate


The diploma approved in Parliament only has the rates for 2025, however the Government had already promised to reduce the retention tables – in line with the annual rates – if the proposal was approved. If not, the PS wanted to know whether the Government maintained its intention to change the tables or whether it would be left until next year. This is one of the Executive’s arguments, which is betting on the unconstitutionality of the measure and pressuring the President of the Republic to send the diploma to the Constitutional Court.

Still on the political level, Leitão Amaro left notes regarding the next State Budget. The minister recalls that “whoever makes the State Budget viable is not taking responsibility for the outcome of governance, but whoever fails it will be responsible for impeding governance and the Government that made it possible†.

Changes in Government

The minister guarantees that all ministries, except Defense and Foreign Affairs, will change facilities. Regarding the head of the General Secretariat, he reveals that the choice will be political and the responsibility of the Prime Minister.

António Leitão Amaro, adds that, in the State’s business sector, the reform will be to gain transparency and is not committed to mergers or extinctions. In relation to public institutes, it reveals that some may return to direct State Administration.

The Public Administration reform will also reach citizen stores and citizen spaces, with more coordinated management and the creation of more spaces and with more features, without closing existing structures.

In the interview, António Leitão Amaro reveals that within days the Resolution of the Council of Ministers will be published with the new rules. These rules imply a return to coordinated management between the various services in citizen stores, the creation of more citizen spaces with an addition of valences.

Regarding face-to-face service in public services in general, Leitão Amaro mentions that the Government intends to create a daily balance between prior appointments and free access, a situation that is not currently possible. occurs, and that, within 180 days, it intends to have an evaluation of the services regarding the adjustments made.

Regarding the State building, which begins to be released with the move, this Monday, of part of the ministries to Campus XXI, the Minister of the Presidency adds that at the end of the summer a package that will make it possible to identify the fate of the buildings and which ones can be used for housing at controlled prices. He also guarantees that the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs will not leave, but will remain where they are.

Regarding the workers who will be involved in the change, Leitão Amaro assures that no one will be fired, nor placed in a requalification grant. A moving plan will be drawn up starting in November and ending in January 2026 and everyone will know where they will be placed. Leitão Amaro guarantees that for certain services it will even be necessary to hire more people.

In this interview, and within the scope of the reform, the minister also reveals that the General Secretary, who will absorb eight of the previous General Secretariats, will be appointed by the Prime Minister and will be responsible to him. Leitão Amaro says that it will be a political appointment, given the political responsibility that the position assumes.

Regarding the functioning of AIMA and the delays of the 400 thousand pending processes, the Minister of the Presidency anticipates that, in less than a month, it will be possible to have the mission structure in operation and ensures that access rules for citizens those from the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) do not change and those who are already in Portugal, without this visa, will have a specific channel for legalization. Regarding the next State Budget, he says: “whoever makes the State Budget viable is not taking responsibility for the outcome of governance, but whoever fails is responsible for impeding governance “”

Leitão Amaro reiterates that the Government is not anti-immigration and that what it wants is for there to be rules.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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