
Fuel prices rise next week

Next week, fueling your car will become more expensive. As he told the Express sector source, with data available until this Friday, the price of a liter of diesel is expected to rise by 3 cents and that of gasoline by 1.5 cents.

One of the factors that influence the price is the evolution of the price of refined products. This week’s average price, in both refined products, was above last week. In the case of diesel there was an increase of around 30 dollars per ton, while gasoline increased by 18 dollars.

Looking at the average prices charged at gas stations on Thursday, according to data from DGEG – General Directorate of Energy and Geology, from the outset you can count on an average price of 1.726 euros per liter of simple 95 gasoline. In the case of diesel, a liter will cost 1,588 euros.

It should be noted, however, that the values ​​provided by DGEG are an average price, and the price may be above or below this value, depending on the gas station, brand and location in which the car is refueled. .


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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