
From the morality of a “stray cat” to the live end of Biden’s presidency: how did the American press view the debate between Biden and Trump?

Joe Biden’s difficulties during this Thursday’s debate (Friday morning in Portugal) and Donald Trump’s accusations and exaggerations dominate the main news in North American newspapers. The possibility of the current president not being re-elected becomes increasingly real on the covers of some of the main titles on newsstands in the United States.

Trump showed his “tendency to spread falsehoods and exaggerations†, while Biden’s performance generated “discouragement†among Democrats, says the newspaper “The Wall Street Journal†. The first page highlights the candidates’ differences on the economy, migration and abortion, which marked this debate, and highlights that Biden’s advanced age reignites the debate about his suitability for the office.


“Just sad†reads the cover of the “New York Post†newspaper, which declares that “we have seen the end of the Biden presidency†. There is no consideration of Trump’s stance in the debate. The newspaper also states that the “short circuit†suffered by Biden generated panic among Democrats, who want to replace the candidate.


The newspaper “USA Today†which launched its weekend edition this Friday does not have any reference to the debate between the presidential candidates, but in the site news about Biden’s difficulties is multiplying. From the increased concern due to the current President’s 81st birthday to the alarm sounded in the Democratic Party, the newspaper considers that “sometimes, it is difficult to determine a winner and a loser in a debate. This time, it is not”, referring to the victory of the previous President. Throughout the debate, the North American newspaper checked the facts presented in each candidate’s arguments, with the balance tipping towards Trump’s lies.

“Face to face, a war of words†, heads the newspaper “The Boston Globe†, which states that “Biden’s difficulties increase doubts while Trump stretches the truth†. He considers that the debate was “ninety excruciating minutes†in which Biden was unable to stand his ground against “his hated rival†or show that he is not too old for the position. The lack of counter-argument, the loss of coherence in the speech and some factual errors made by the current President marked the candidates’ face-to-face encounter.


The newspaper “The New York Times†makes no reference to the presidential debate on the first page, but on the site is the main subject. The news calls Biden’s performance “clumsy†, while Trump “voiced†in a “controversial debate†. On social media, the newspaper also shared an account of the time spent by each candidate attacking the other, with the former President leading by six minutes.

“The Washington Times†highlights Trump’s “increased level of attack†, with Biden barely able to produce “convincing answers†. “The exchange [de argumentos] it quickly became ugly,” reads the newspaper, which highlights the difficulty of even understanding certain responses from the current President and Trump’s aggressive comments.

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In the newspaper “The Washington Post†, this Friday’s edition has a large image of the preparations for the debate, in which it is read that due to the time of the end of the debate there will be no It was possible to include a highlight in the newspaper. At the site, Biden’s poor performance is highlighted and how Trump “dodged the issues†, especially regarding his involvement in the attack on the Capitol and his recent conviction. From the current president accusing his opponent of having “the morals of a stray cat†and being “whiners†to the former president classifying Biden’s actions as “absolutely criminal†and declaring that his rival had the “worst presidency in the history†of the USA, accusations and personal attacks are on big highlight.

“Being personal again,†says the newspaper “StarTribune†regarding the attacks exchanged between the two candidates. Joe Biden appeared “hoarse and at times hesitant†and sought to confront Trump, who throughout the debate “offered Americans an unwelcome reminder of the bombing he launched daily during his tumultuous four years mandate†.

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The debate is also the highlight of the newspaper “Detroit Free Press†, which highlights the panic within the Democratic party over concerns that Biden is too old to continue in the highest American office. On the other hand, Trump took advantage of his opponent’s failures to make comments such as: “I don’t know what he [Biden] said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows either.”


The newspapers “Los Angeles Times†and “Arizona Republic†make a small reference on their first pages, but on their websites they highlight Biden’s difficulties and Trump’s attacks. While the newspaper ‘San Francisco Chronicle’ and Houston Chronicle’ do not make reference to the debate in this Friday’s editions.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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