
Former President of the Order of Nurses convicted of disobedience and aggravated insults

The former president of the Order of Nurses, Ana Rita Cavaco, was convicted of disobedience and aggravated insults. The court found that it prevented an investigation into the Order required by the Ministry of Health. Ana Rita Cavaco was not in the courtroom this Thursday and did not hear the judge prove that she committed crimes of disobedience and aggravated insult.

At issue is the fact that the former president refused entry to the inspectors of the General Inspection of Health Activities, in May 2019, for an investigation requested by the Ministry of Health, and also for having insulted the inspectors. Jorge Baltasar and Alexandre Oliveira, both linked to the Order at the time, were also convicted of the same crime. The defense has already announced that it will appeal.

Only the current president, Luís Filipe Barreira, was acquitted because it was not proven that he interfered in the investigation. Ana Rita Cavaco will have to pay a fine of 1700 euros. Alexandre Oliveira a fine of 900 euros and Jorge Baltasar of 720 euros.

The former president alleged that the inspection action had a “political motivation”, based on public disagreements between the organization and the until then Minister of Health, Marta Temido.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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