
First debate in France shows three blocs without consensus, with immigration and security generating greater tension

Immigration and security were the topics that generated the greatest tension in the first debate in the French legislative campaign, which showed the three main blocs divided on all topics and without finding any consensus.

In the first debate of this campaign for the legislative elections, broadcast on the French television channel TF1, the candidate of the National Union (Rassemblement National, in French), Jordan Bardella, from the extreme right, began by presenting himself as “the first -minister of purchasing power”.

Among the measures he defended, Bardella highlighted that, if he becomes prime minister, one of his priorities will be to reduce VAT on energy – with the main objective of reducing the price of fuel – and, asked about the fact that he had postponed the implementation of some measures that he proposed, such as the reduction of VAT on essential goods, he said that he intended, first, to carry out an audit of the State’s accounts, highlighting that he is in a situation that of “almost bankruptcy”.

This justification was soon attacked by Manuel Bompard, representative of the New Popular Front (Nouveau Front Populaire, in French) – a coalition that unites several left-wing parties, such as the socialists, Unsubmissive France , the ecologists or the communists -, who accused Bardella of using budgetary arguments to “abandon measures from his program”.

In contrast, the left-wing candidate argued that it is necessary to control the price of energy, fuel and a basket of food, in addition to increasing the minimum wage to 1,600 euros, which was criticized by the current Prime Minister and candidate of the Juntos coalition (Ensemble, in French) – which brings together the parties that support the current government majority -, Gabriel Attal, who made it a priority to lower the electricity bill by 15% and promised “a package to increase purchasing power”.

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“I could do like my competitors and promise everything to the French. But the difference is that I’m prime minister and I don’t want to lie,” he said.

Afterwards, the candidates addressed the issue of reforms, with Gabriel Attal guaranteeing that he will not revoke the pension reform, which increased the retirement age to 64, and which was the subject of much controversy. social in France before being implemented in 2023.

In contrast, both Bardella and Bompard decided to revoke this reform, despite disagreeing on the model to be implemented.

Bardella defended that the retirement age should be lowered to 60 for those who started working before the age of 20, recognizing that, with his proposal, anyone who started professional activity at the age of 24 could only retire at the age of 66 – more than anticipated in the current system.

The left-wing candidate highlighted that, with the proposal he defends, everyone could retire at the age of 60, despite admitting that anyone who, at that age, does not have 40 years of discounts, would also not be able to receive the full value of your retirement.

Regarding immigration, the National Union candidate stated that he wants to end the automatic attribution of nationality to those born in France, in addition to wanting to “regain control of the immigration policy immigration” and prevent immigrants who have yet to be regularized in France from having access to public healthcare in the country.

“When his personal ancestors arrived in France, I think his political ancestors said precisely the same thing that he is saying here today”, criticized Bompard, in an allusion to Bardella’s Italian and Algerian origins, arguing that , “instead of denigrating” immigrants, the far-right candidate “should thank them, because they have jobs that the French don’t want and they contribute to the economy”.

Ludovic Marin/REUTERS

It was, however, on the topic of security that the debate heated up the most, focusing in particular on a proposal defended by the National Union which provides that French people who have dual nationality will not be able to access certain jobs in the public service.

Bardella justified this measure by questioning whether there is anyone who wants a French-Russian citizen to control a French nuclear power plant, with Gabriel Attal pointing out that, in the European Parliament, the National Union has a French-Russian advisor who works in Foreign Affairs Committee and has access to sensitive data about the war in Ukraine.

“It is stigmatizing 3.5 million French people”, accused Attal, before stressing that the purpose of the measure is not to prevent access to Franco-Russian citizens, but rather those of Arab origins. Bompard also criticized the measure, accusing Bardella of “hurting millions of French people”.

In the end, Bardella asked voters not to be “intimidated by those who exploit fears” and to “turn the page”, an expression that was also used by Bompard, who called on the French to “turn the page of ‘macronism’, without France being ruined by racism, the hatred of others and every man for himself”. Attal defended that France “has an appointment with its values ​​and its destiny”, stressing that he does not intend to stigmatize or make the French “turn against each other”.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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