
Fair will prepare microelectronics professionals for 100 jobs

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Brazilians who participate in the technology fair in Aveiro will be able to qualify for 100 jobs in the area of microelectronics in Portugal until 2025. The studies are funded by the European Union. The announcement will be made by the organizers of Aveiro Tech Weekwhich will take place between the 1st and 6th of October next.

With the aim to mobilize the community academic for the topic, the PCI — Creative Science Park (Parque of Science and Innovation), one of the members of the Agenda for Microelectronicswill hold the conference Promotion of Electrotechnics in Teaching — The Future Starts Today.

This is a dialogue between higher education institutions, companies and the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation “with the aim of defining strategies to attract and train young talents in the areas of eelectronics e eletrotecnia”.

According to Daniel Amorim, Science and technology Science and Innovation Park, one of the participants in the fair, the specific conference on the topic, on 4 Octoberwill be “fundamental in sensitizing the Government to continue investing in training professionals for the sector of electrical engineering in the country.” In his opinion, there is a need for human capital, which is lacking in Portugal and Europe.

Labor shortage

The technological revolution underway in the world represents a challenge for all countries and arises in a context of increasing shortage of specialized professionals in the area of microelectronics and, specifically, semiconductors in the Portuguese and European industries.

The demand is such that 17 entities got involved to make the fair a reality. The goal is contribute to the training and requalification of professionals in these areas. The event organizers say the agenda is in line with the Recovery Plan and Resilience (PRR), a European financing program that aims, among other aspects, reinforce the productive and innovation capacity of Portuguese industry.

The fair’s members highlight the importance of contributing to Portugal’s position at the forefront of the semiconductor management, production, distribution and recycling market. This involves creating conditions for training professionals for Europe and other countries on a global scale. THE agenda of Microelectronics and co-financed for the PRR through the NextGenerationEU.

Those who want to participate in the fair and professional training must register via emailções.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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