
Elections in Mozambique: Ossufo Momade defends “collective commitment”

“About 50 years of single-party rule [Frelimo] and Mozambique is increasingly impoverished and social inequalities are increasingly accentuated”, accused Ossufo Momade, speaking in the village of Xinhambuse, Manica province, in the center of the country.

The leader of Renamo, a party that, just like five years ago, once again supported his presidential candidacy in the general elections on October 9, participated in the funeral ceremony of André Matade Matsangaísse, the first commander and one of the founders of that force, 45 years after he died in combat, in Gorogonsa, which took place this Saturday in the village of Xinhambuse, his homeland.

For the president of the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo), the country is going through a period that challenges key sectors, highlighting, in addition to social inequalities, the weaknesses of education and health.

“Access to food for the majority of Mozambican families is a daily problem”, added the opposition leader, accusing the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (Frelimo), the party in power, of having “delapidated” the State since independence, in 1975.

For Ossufo Momade, Mozambique needs more active youth in the face of the dilemmas the country faces, despite being “rich”.

“It’s time for change”, stressed Ossufo Momade, adding that people, especially youth, need a “collective commitment”.

The partisanship of the State, added the candidate, must also be stopped, as well as alleged nepotism, which he described as one of the “great evils that affect” the country and hinder its economic independence.

The leader of the main opposition party in Mozambique is one of four candidates for the Presidency of Mozambique, in a dispute that also includes Daniel Chapo, supported by Frelimo, Lutero Simango, supported by the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), the third party representing the parliament, and Venâncio Mondlane, former member and former deputy of Renamo, supported by the Optimist Party for the Development of Mozambique (Podemos), without parliamentary representation.

Mozambique will hold its seventh presidential elections on October 9, in which the current head of state, Filipe Nyusi, who has reached the constitutional limit of two terms, is no longer running, simultaneously with the seventh legislative and fourth elections for assemblies and provincial governors.

More than 17 million voters are registered to vote, including 333,839 registered abroad, according to data from the National Elections Commission.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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