
Elections in France: immigration and human rights once again mark the last test between the three main candidates

The three main candidates for the next legislative elections in France faced each other again for a final debate, in which the topic of immigration and human rights generated, predictably, the most tense moments. Jordan Bardella, the young leader of the far right, once again attacked the number of immigrants living in France, as well as people with dual nationality, and his rivals accused him of spreading hate speech.

The issue of illegal immigration has always been one of the banners of the French extreme right, and Bardella was questioned by proposals from the Rassemblement National (RN), such as withdrawing citizenship from children born in France and daughters of immigrant parents . The candidate, chosen by Marine Le Pen to be the future Prime Minister, tried to “not play with fear just a few days before the elections†, but did not fail to defend that “dual nationality presents a risk and requires a reinforcement of controls”, suggesting that these citizens should be excluded from security positions.

Bardella added that the country “continues to welcome hundreds of thousands of people every year†, and warned of what he considers to be a “saturation of public services†.

Emmanuel Macron, President of France

Jonathan Rebboah/Panoramic via Reuters Connect

Attal rejected Bardella’s extremist generalizations and, despite assuming that immigration is “a concern†, assured that he will not “close everything†nor “open everything†, pointing the finger to the left and arguing for greater efficiency in deporting immigrants “who disturb public order†. “We also need immigration,†he said.

The subject led to several interruptions and a more heated exchange of comments, given an effort by the moderators to contain Bardella and Olivier Faure, the candidate of the united lefts of the New Popular Front (NFP). Faure accused the far-right leader of discriminating against ethnic minorities and even pointed to the fact that Bardella himself was the son of immigrants, receiving a loud response.

Attal, at the beginning of the debate, condemned several members of the RN, saying that “more than a hundred candidates†from the party “presented racist, anti-Semitic and Islamophobic proposals†. He said that his main rival cannot present himself as a union prime minister as long as his party discriminates, and recalled, as one of the main openly homosexual European leaders, that he will defend the rights of the LGBTI community +.

Faure also accused Bardella and the RN, whose policies are often directed at the Muslim community in France, of propagating hate speech and “comparing homophobia to Islam†. But Faure did not forget Macron, attacking the President (and, by extension, Attal) for comments about transgender people who were condemned by non-governmental organizations.

Regarding Ukraine, the left-wing candidate called on France to continue supporting the Ukrainians militarily, and criticized Macron for having avoided sending troops to Ukrainian soil.

Bardella – trying to navigate the many reports and reports about the RN’s links to the Kremlin – noted that, as prime minister, his obligations towards Ukraine would only be “budgetary†. “I will not let Russian imperialism absorb an allied state like Ukraine,†he said. But he made it clear that if he won, “French soldiers will not be sent†to the war in the east.

This Thursday’s debate, broadcast by France 2, was the last test for the three parties competing in these elections. Jordan Bardella, the charismatic 28-year-old Rassemblement National candidate, is the favorite to win the elections, following up on his overwhelming victory in the European elections; the equally young prime minister of the Republicans (LR), Gabriel Attal, aged 35, seeks to hand over the government to Emmanuel Macron; It is Olivier Faure emerged as the candidate chosen by the NFP, the recent union of the left who were fed up with losing to Macron and the far right, led by Le Pen and, now, by Bardella.

The last IFOP poll before the legislative elections points to a victory for RN by 36%, with the Nova Frente Popular behind with 29%. Emmanuel Macron and Attal’s party, LR, in coalition with its allies, is expected to come in third place with 21% and suffer a new defeat.

The first round of the French legislative elections – called by Macron while votes were still being counted in the European elections in France, which resulted in a large defeat for the President – will take place on June 30th. If necessary (and polls indicate that it is), the second round is scheduled for July 7th.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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